Ngutang = benjat benjut

Kemaren si Boss nongol ke kantor dengan pipi biru lebam.

Gue: Kenapa Pak? (cieee.. sok perhatian ni yee)
Boss: Kepleset, jatoh.

Pagi ini jam 7 saat gue mo siap2 kerja, Manusia Kloningan Lele itu nelpon hp gue..

Boss: Hallo? Eh kamu gak usah kerja hari ini. Jangan! Jangan kerja! (panik)
Gue: Kenapa?
Boss: Pokoknya jangan. Saya udah suruh Samir untuk gembok pager. Gak usah kerja semua hari ini (luar biasa panik)
Gue: Pak.. ada apa?
Boss: Nanti saya ceritain. Udah pokoknya begitu ya!


Eh? Ada apaan nih? Ya whatever lah. Bagus juga gue bisa berleha2 di rumah.

Jam 8.30an, si Samir telpon..

Samir: Bu, ada orang ketok2 pager.
Gue: Trus?
Samir: Ya saya cuman kasih tau. Soalnya tadi Boss bilang jangan kerja. Semua harus ditutup dan dikunci.
Gue: Ya udah. Biarin aja itu orang ketok2 pager. Dia gak bakalan bisa masuk kan? Kecuali dia Superman..
Samir: Tapi sambil teriak2, Bu! Maki2 begitu! Saya takut, bu!
Gue: Udahlah..
Samir: Tapi saya temuin, Bu. Saya kasih nomor telpon ibu!
Gue: Waduh! Gimana sih kamu!!!


Ih sialan ni orang. Dilempar ke gue lagi...

Just now, ada yg telpon gue..

Someone: Hello, can I talk to your boss?
Gue: Who is this?
Someone: My name is Loo. Where is your boss??? (ngebentak)
Gue: Please be polite when talking to me. You do not know whether I have anything to do with whatever business you have with him or not!
Someone: (cool down) ok ok. Where is he?
Gue: I don't know.
Someone: Your office is not working today ya?
Gue: No.
Someone: Why?
Gue: None of your business. What is happening??
Someone: You see ya.. your boss that bastard ya.. sold his house through me. I am a broker. 3 years he tried to sell, cannot get buyer. Through me, can get! I should get commission from him. It's written in the agreement laaaah... He keeps saying later.. ok.. later.. ok.. he will pay.. later.. bla bla.. I call him many times, sms, he never take, never reply! That bastard.. I met him 2 days a go, he irritated me you know! Said my commission is too high lah, I cheat him lah... haiyaaa... I dah betul naik angin (hilang kesabaran) sama itu orang! I punched him you know! Then he got scared! said ok come to his office today to collect the cheque! That bastard! Now the office is close!

Hahaha... ngaku kepleset ni yeee... padahal ditampol preman! Tau gitu gue makin panas2in tuh orang...

Blogger, I am just a blogger. The fact I published my blog to books does not make me an Author.

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