Pak Boss masuk kantor sambil bicara di telpon. Errr.. tepatnya, marah2 di telpon..
Boss: "Loh?! How come?! How cooome?? Why do you want to take me to go with you?! Yessssssss.. you call me you said want to take me to meet your friends! Why? What for? I don't know him! I don't know! Hah? What? Noooo... No! No! No! Eh you listen ya!.... No! No! Bullshit! Bullshiiiitt.."
Anak2 kantor pada pandangan2an. Kenapa nih si Velo.... kok ngamuk banget muke mere kek gitu.
Boss: I know why you want me to meet him! Because you want to make as your spacegoat! Yesss! Spacegoat! Heh!! You think I am stupid?! What? Why you ask What? What what?? No one can make me a spacegoat! Heh.. why you laugh laugh??
Buset dah... cita2 jadi astronot gak kesampean.. jadi kambing astronot juga gak pape..
SCAPEGOAT kaleeeeeeeeee..... bukan SPACEGOAAAT....